You know you need to be more visible...
To reach more people...
To clarify your message and/or speak in a way that cuts through all the noise...

But you've tried a few things and you're not sure how to do it in a way that feels good to you. 

Plus, the online world is very noisy.  

You know you need to find a way to cut through the noise if you want to leverage all the benefits the internet offers.

Which means you have to find a way to confidently navigate that environment. 

If you're a coach, service provider, course creator, creative, consultant, social entrepreneur, freelancer, contractor, or therapist, and you want to authentically and joyfully: 

  • expand your reach,

  • connect with more of the people whose lives you're here to change, or

  • maybe even introduce original ideas or new ways of doing business in your industry...

Welcome! You're in the right place.

It's really hard to build a successful business when not enough people know about you or your work. 

You’re constantly having to reinvent yourself to sell another product or program to your small but loyal audience.

Or you're so busy working for the business that you never have any time to work on it. 

To resolve these problems you may have found yourself pursuing one (or more!) of these options:

Fortunately, there's an alternative. 

Effective visibility is about  finding the RIGHT PEOPLE and building strong connections with them. 

You don't have to become someone you're not. You don't have to be known by the whole world. 

What you need is CLARITY around who you're trying to reach, the CONFIDENCE to show up as you are, and healthy work HABITS so you can show up consistently without burning out.

You do have to find a way to be visible.

But HOW you do that makes all the difference between a happily visible business owner, and a stressed out, anxious, and overwhelmed one.

Introducing Women Speaking Up!

A hands-on group coaching, leadership development and visibility mentoring program. 

Running over 6 months, Women Speaking Up is designed for business women (cis and trans + genderqueer, intersex and non-binary people) who want to feel more at ease with speaking up and being consistently visible in the world.

Women Speaking Up (WSU) will support you to: 

  1. Develop your visibility strategy so you KNOW THE ACTION YOU NEED TO TAKE  to expand your reach and create more impact in the world,

  2. Clear your blocks and HEAL OLD WOUNDS so you're confident and consistent in your visibility efforts, 

  3. Let go of invisibility habits and BUILD NEW, HEALTHY VISIBILITY HABITS to support effective and sustainable growth,
  4. GROW YOUR REACH AND INFLUENCE as well as your leadership capacity as you build your business, so you can move powerfully through the world, comfortable being known for your wisdom and expertise. 

Let's talk about the visibility journey of an entrepreneur...


Wondering what people have to say their experience of Women Speaking Up?

Julia, Brand Strategist, Argentina

Joining Women Speaking Up has been life changing!!

The positive effect of the block clearing work has been such a revelation and it's been so helpful to have an accountability buddy. 

I no longer feel ashamed, I feel good about sharing my message, I've stopped approval seeking, and I'm enjoying the process of becoming more visible! 


Liz, Virtual Assistant, Australia

I love being a part of Women Speaking Up! My biggest visibility aha so far has been that blocks do not have to 'stay' blocksYou aren't actually doomed to repeat the same patterns!

Through the program I feel confident in:

  • being able to clearly see blocks and take action to move them,
  • working on my projects and goals every day,
  • finalising content and moving towards making things live.

I feel more calm taking action around visibility - as opposed to scattered and running in circles. I also love that working on visibility impacts all areas of your life positively - it helps you become more of who you are.

Lou, EFT and Matrix Reimprinting practitioner, Australia

Women Speaking Up has helped me to feel more confident about being more myself online.

I have become more interactive in group comments, sharing more of myself and feeling more comfortable sharing about my work and businessI've experienced the same in face to face settings too. 

I love everything that I have learned from and seen role modelled by Samantha.

Inside Women Speaking Up you'll learn to:

Kate, Author, United Kingdom

I'm gaining so many insights into myself/my beliefs through this program. The podcast show is excellent as a prompt for journalling and the block clearing classes have been so insightful. 

I find I'm more easily able to access my feelings and feel them without judging/intellectualising. They've also helped me to uncover a core belief I've been carrying around that no one wants to hear what I have to say. I had no idea it was there! No wonder I found it difficult to build my audience in the past.

Martina, Leadership Coach, Denmark

Having a time in my calendar to work on visibility issues each week is immensely valuable to me.

Understanding the stages of visibility helps me to know what to focus on. I love having a clear visibility strategy and understanding the blocks and where they come from.

Best of all, I have been showing up consistently in front of my community since I started the program!   

During your time with us you'll take the following action:

Develop your visibility strategy

(and develop the rhythms and processes you need to implement effectively)

Clear your blocks

(the visibility fears and wounding that can hold you back)

Shift your habits

(so you can be consistently visible without burning out)

Our final cohort of Women Speaking Up students starts on 5 August 2024. Enrol today.

Sustainably visible

$999 USD

For women who are ready to make visibility a priority. The stream includes 6 MONTHS of access to:

  • An intimate group coaching experience with lots of opportunities for personalised attention
  • Weekly live events: block clearing, strategy implementation, and habit-building workshops every 2 weeks, and Q&A office hours support in between
  • A robust collection of digital programs and resources
  • Student-only podcast show and private online community

Visibility fast track

$2999 USD

The VIP stream is a 6 MONTHLY experience for women who want to hit the ground running. It includes:

Everything in the 6 month membership plus:

  • a week of Voxer support when you enrol to orient yourself into the program
  • 6 x monthly 1:1 sessions with Women Speaking Up founder Samantha Nolan-Smith which you can use to further personalise your experience; clearing out visibility blocks, creating and/or implementing your visibility strategy, or building core visibility habits.

Prefer a payment plan?

You can access the Sustainably visible payment plan (at $185 per month for 6 months).


You can also access a Visibility fast track payment plan (at $550 per month for 6 months). 


Women Speaking Up closes its doors (forever) in...










Your life experience has gifted you with years of acquired wisdom and knowledge.

And you've turned the challenges you've faced into embodied wisdom. 


But here's a secret that most people don't know; acquiring wisdom is just the first step. Allowing yourself TO BE SEEN FOR IT is another thing altogether. 

To do that WITH EASE AND GRACE, you have to overcome your visibility fears and blocks. You have to release the internal limitations that stop you from being your most powerful self.

And you need to develop an understanding of how to SEE VISIBILITY BLOCKS and how to clear them

At Women Speaking Up, we've developed a comprehensive approach to overcoming visibility blocks. The curriculum is informed by the understanding that visibility issues for women arise from:


related to visibility and the beliefs and mindsets that are generated as a result


and its intersection with all other systems of inequality


in relation to being silenced, or encountering danger around being seen or heard


that each person brings into the world and wounding related to being harmed for being visible

Tamara, Lync Haven Rainforest Retreat, Australia

Studying Women Speaking Up has helped me to speak up differently at work. I've started speaking from the heart and found myself getting a much better reception from the people I'm speaking to.

I've also found that the different tools shared in the program to be so handy. I'm able to choose the right tool for the right circumstance to help me immediately resolve the issue I'm facing.

Ultimately working with Samantha has helped me to fine-tune where I want to go and what my ultimate goal is.

Isiah, Couples Therapist, Australia 

Okay wow. Something major has opened up since starting to do visibility work.

In the last 24 hours, I’ve had an article accepted to Mamamia and they’ve asked to republish one of my blog posts.

I’m also going to be on Talking Lifestyle Radio, Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane today AND was invited to be on TODAY EXTRA. Holy Moly. 

Zoe, B'Opera, United Kingdom

Working on visibility issues has opened the floodgates for me, helping me to see so many blocks, while giving me tools to work with them and shift them, all in a supportive space.

I have faced some very deep seated fears. I have been able to shine a light on some dark spaces in my soul and psyche. I feel lighter and stronger as a result.

I am more effective in the world, better able to support myself and others by extension. I am less a prisoner of old events and stuff, so much freer.

I have more money in my bank account. I feel happier and more optimistic because I know I have tools that I can take into even the most challenging situations (especially the most challenging situations!)

I'm creating change and shifts where I previously thought I was powerless

For far too long women's wisdom has been silenced or ignored.

Women Speaking Up is set to change all of that.

Perhaps you've been trying to be more visible but you haven't really been seeing great results...

Here's the thing about 5 step marketing formulas...

Their success lies in the person they became as they were developing the system, not with the system itself. 


Yes, there are strategic actions to take which will make you more visible in the world. But if you don't also do the inner work to clear out visibility fears and limitations, you'll never implement those strategies in a way that'll ensure your success. 

Victoria, Story and Marketing Coach, Australia

'When we wrapped up the event this morning I jumped in and did a Facebook live - something I’ve wrestled with continuously. But today I felt clear and courageous and at ease as I made my notes, set it up, hit the Go Live button and presented my thoughts for about 7 minutes. It felt so good to feel so good.' 

Tammy, Artist and Creative Guide, Canada

'I love this school. It fits so much criteria of what I was looking for. Coaching, mentorship, community, energy work, biz strategy. I'm super grateful to find all of this under one roof.

The program has been helping me to clear out more baggage, see and release current issues, to feel seen and witnessed, and to be part of a collective of like minded women.' 

Lisa, Mindset Coach, United Kingdom

'I definitely feel like I see myself and understand myself more clearly now. I used to think visibility was just about marketing, now I realise it's about being seen and heard for who I am in all areas of my life.
I love the live workshops for how no matter what the topic is they meet me where I'm at and are relevant to what I need help with.
The digital programs really help me go step by step through the aspects of visibility I'm working on. They also help me to understand myself better and why I've found things difficult in the past.' 

Domenica, Energy Intuitive, Australia

'I LOVE not doing this alone. I'm so grateful and happy to be in an environment where I feel safe and accepted.

The community aspect of the program is one of my favourite parts. I also like discovering ways to move forward that I hadn't considered.
I love that Sam is accessible and models visibility so well. And the visibility tools that are shared are incredible.' 

At Women Speaking Up we're interested in building leaders.

We know that what the world needs now is grounded, wise, consistent, business owners. People who are self aware and who are able to act with discernment as they grow their influence and reach. Who understand the power of words and who are able to guide their communities or audiences through chaotic times with clarity and compassion 

Everything you learn is designed to either: 

  • clear a visibility block so you feel less self conscious about being visible,
  • heal a wound so you can become more grounded and consistent with your visibility efforts,
  • move away from invisibility habits and develop healthy visibility habits that support your intentions,
  • strengthen your powerful presence so you feel less anxious or stressed and more empowered to create the changes you'd like to see in the world,
  • embody your message and become more of the leader you were born to be, or
  • clarify your priorities so you can take inspired, strategic action and see far greater momentum in your business.

Inside Women Speaking Up you'll receive access to: 

A revolutionary business and personal development program 

Women Speaking Up is unique in the way it weaves together feminist theory, personal development, and business strategy

Inside Women Speaking Up you'll participate in live events and have access to digital resources that will support you in becoming more visible in a way that feels natural and joyful to you.

The curriculum

Working with our 3x3 visibility matrix system, you'll work through the three core elements of visibility: growing awareness, communicating value, and building connections. For each element, you'll:

  • identify the strategy you need to adopt,
  • build any new habits you need (whilst undoing old, unhealthy habits), and
  • tend to the inner work (the emotional, mental and psychological blocks, limitations and fears) associated with growing your reach and embodying your message.  

The live workshops are convened every two weeks, with office hours Q&A sessions convened in the alternate weeks. 

The live sessions are complemented by a robust collection of digital resources for you to access 24/7. 

Private, supportive online community

We know how important community is to growing your business.

According to Harvard University Social Psychologist, Dr. David McClellan, 95% of success or failure is determined by those you habituate with the most.

This is why, as a WSU student, you'll gain 24/7 access to a private online space; the WSU Campus (NB: the Campus is located within our membership site, not on Facebook).

We work hard to ensure the Campus is a safe, supportive, and inclusive community space. Our intention is always to consciously hold space for you to connect, collaborate, brainstorm, seek advice, and share your wins.  

Wondering what kinds of businesses our students have? They're:

Many run their own businesses or NGOs full-time and are wanting to take things to the next level. 

Some are focused on expanding their reach while others are focused on showing up differently as a leader.

Some are pivoting and want the support to work through that as that happens.

Some are moving from being an employee to building a business or movement and are focused on refining their message and building their community. 

BONUS Private podcast show

When you enrol in the program you'll also gain access to a private podcast show that's available exclusively to Women Speaking Up students.

It's a show that supports you to make the most of your time with us. It helps you to dive deeper into some of the issues raised in the live workshops and it provides you with easy access to some of the most important elements of the program that you might want to reference on a regular basis. 

Finally, it's a chance to have any of your questions answered outside of live workshops. In the show, founder, Samantha Nolan-Smith provides you with answers to your burning questions in personalised podcast episodes. 

Tomar, Soul Guidance For Your Business, USA 

The live workshops go deep. Sam holds the energy in a powerful way and by introducing healing elements, deepens the experience. There’s time to explore and for many voices to be heard. I’ve found them very affecting.

As I take more visibility risks I notice very early emotional imprints/identities coming up and potentially sabotaging me. To see these early and be able to clear them has helped me enormously. I’ve started taking massive action in my business!

Libby, Dating Coach, Australia

I didn’t really know what I needed when I signed up but I knew I was stuck.

I have had so many internal shifts since starting, I feel like I different person.

I’m much more confident to say what I think, and in a calm, gentle way. I have been standing up for myself in my personal life in a way I haven’t before.

I think this work is so important, not just for women starting businesses but for women more generally. Thank you thank you thank you!

Wendy, Woo Jnr Kids Activities, USA

When I first came across Women Speaking Up, I had truly admitted aversion to being visible in my business.

I was fine with my work being visible. I was fine with my brand being visible. I didn't want to be visible. And it was really getting to a point where it was holding me back and my company back, I think more importantly though, it was really incongruent with who I feel that I am as a person, as a business leader.

I'm an elected official, so it was very interesting how I could certainly be visible in some areas of my life and be fine with it, but not others.

I didn't even realize how unwilling I was to sell to my community and since joining Women Speaking Up, we've launched a shop and a new product!

A lot of the work has really enabled me to find my voice as an elected politician. I've become a better parent to my daughters. I've become a better leader to my employees.

Really I'm just more comfortable. In my own skin and feeling far more in alignment with my truest self. And what's interesting is that it's not just an internal alignment. I've had so many people in my life just unprovoked say, 'Wow. We have really noticed a change in you. You're more centred and grounded and calm. And yet more outspoken as well.

I find it really fascinating that the inner work is really showing on the outside too. So I'm very, very grateful for the stuff that I have learned from Samantha and from Women Speaking Up.

 Our final cohort of Women Speaking Up students starts on 5 August 2024. Enrol today.

Sustainably visible

$999 USD

For women who are ready to make visibility a priority. The stream includes 6 MONTHS of access to:

  • An intimate group coaching experience with lots of opportunities for personalised attention
  • Weekly live events: block clearing, strategy implementation, and habit-building workshops every 2 weeks, and Q&A office hours support in between
  • A robust collection of digital programs and resources
  • Student-only podcast show and private online community

Visibility fast track

$2999 USD

The VIP stream is a 6 MONTHLY experience for women who want to hit the ground running. It includes:

Everything in the 6 month membership plus:

  • a week of Voxer support when you enrol to orient yourself into the program
  • 6 x monthly 1:1 sessions with Women Speaking Up founder Samantha Nolan-Smith which you can use to further personalise your experience; clearing out visibility blocks, creating and/or implementing your visibility strategy, or building core visibility habits.

Prefer a payment plan?

You can access the Sustainably visible payment plan (at $185 per month for 6 months).


You can also access a Visibility fast track payment plan (at $550 per month for 6 months). 


Women Speaking Up closes its doors (forever) in...









Who's behind all this visibility goodness?

Hi, I'm Samantha Nolan-Smith, visibility coach, feminist writer and entrepreneur

 I founded the School of Visibility in 2016 after discovering that sooo many of my clients were excited about creating a business but terrified about anyone finding out about it.

I decided women needed a space to be encouraged to speak up, promote their work, and be more impactful in the world. 

I've been a finalist in the Telstra Business Awards, interviewed by the ABC, Sky News, The Age, Australian Yoga Journal, and Sunday Life, and I magically cracked 1 million organic views on Facebook for a piece I wrote on the patriarchal pressures placed on new mothers. 

I have a professional background in the law, as well as social justice and public policy. I also have training in English literature, philosophy, and am a yoga teacher, a Compassion Key Practitioner and a Journey Practitioner. Through this eclectic mix, I've developed a unique approach to overcoming visibility barriers which I share inside Women Speaking Up. My approach is both pragmatic and esoteric, intuitive and strategic. 

Got questions about the program?

Connecting via DMs is the quickest way :) 

If you're keen to know more about the program or need to clarify whether you'd be a good fit, we're here to chat with you.

Simply connect with us on Instagram and we'll get back to you asap.  

Or send us an email at hello(at)theschoolofvisibility(dot)com.


What people say about working with Samantha

Cassie, author and kinesiologist

Sam is such an incredibly generous and supportive mentor, teacher, guide. One of the biggest things that I've learned from her is that she does not put herself above you as the teacher or guide. She stands right next to you and holds your hand and guides you forward with her. Step-by-step saying, 'Let's do this together.' I have found that to be such a comfort in so many ways.

Rachel, yoga and Qigong teacher

Sam has this ability to see an issue through the eyes of a human rights lawyer, the heart of a healer, and the ear of a trusted friend.

She alchemizes strategies like a magician, with all the grace of the priestess that she is.

What people say about Samantha as a teacher and presenter

Elise, Mama Rising Gathering

Samantha's storytelling skills had everyone captivated at our Mama Rising Gathering. She has a special way of grounding the content she shares in reality and providing highly relatable examples from her lived experience. The somatic exercise she took everyone through as well as the workbook she had prepared, packed with insightful prompts, got the attendees engaged and motivated to take action.

Amy, Matrescence teacher and activist

Samantha has the unique ability to bring together very powerful and sometimes confronting research into the issues in our world right now with a sense of hope and compassion. She calls you into action in the way she presents and keeps everyone engaged. The feedback we received from our weekend event was that Samantha's presentation was the most impactful.

What makes Women Speaking Up so unique?

We facilitate deep and transformational healing and clearing. 

I bring my professional training as a yoga teacher and my training in 5 other emotional and energetic healing modalities (2 at the mastery certification level) to the work we do in Women Speaking Up.

I also bring 15 years of experience working 1:1 with clients - facilitating healing and transformation - to the program.

It's this experience and expertise that has allowed for the creation of a safe and sacred space for facilitated healing and personal transformation.

This deeper personal transformation work means that the action you take to be more visible in your business and life is effective, soul directed, and reflects your highest and best self

We offer an integrated inner and outer experience.

Instead of doing your personal development in one space and your business building in another place, we bring everything together under one roof. That way you don't have to buy a whole lot of additional programs to see the results you want to see. 

We offer genuine value.

The real-world value of the program lies northward of $10,000. Here's why; you're not just getting a group coaching and mastermind space to focus on being more visible in your business and life. You're also getting deep healing and personal transformation work and learning to lead differently.

Normally you'd pay for these things separately and each would be in the 4 and 5 figure range. 

We give you space and time.

WSU provides you with a visibility container lasting for 6 months. This provides you with the time time to soak up as much information as you wish and to come to embody the wisdom you're acquiring, in a more sustainable manner.

You have time to learn, experiment, clear and heal, integrate and embody, strategise and take inspired action without feeling like that all has to happen in a 6 or 8 week period. 

Our Visibility Methodology is one of its kind in the world. 

The Visibility Methodology™ you experience inside WSU isn't just focused on changing your mindset. That's one layer of personal transformation and while it's important, it's insufficient if you're looking for long term sustainable change. We'll support you in working with the physical, emotional and energetic layers of your being. 

We also don't just invite you to consider the blocks that may have been created in childhood. Again, these are important and there are other lenses through which to investigate these issues; societal, ancestral, and energetic. 

The level of completeness we offer through our Visibility Methodology is made possible because of my expertise in both spiritual and personal development and my professional training in legal and social justice. 

The level of completeness means you're not left wondering why you've done so much personal development work and still don't seem to be making any progress.

The more visible you are, the greater the impact you can make.

Women supporting women

When you become a Women Speaking Up student, you support other women to heal their wounds and realise their dreams too!

For every student that enrols with us, we donate funds to one of the amazing projects run by Just People's. (The founders Jo and Christey also happen to be students inside Women Speaking Up. When you enrol with us, you'll have the pleasure of meeting them and becoming part of their peer network too!) 

The projects we've supported include: 

  • trauma counselling for single mothers in Vietnam,
  • helping women in Kenya set up sewing businesses,
  • supporting women in STEM in Bangladesh,
  • providing clean water to communities in Kenya,
  • providing a workshop for 30 girls in Bangladesh to learn about periods and overcome period poverty, and
  • providing reusable sanitary pads to girls in Tanzania. 

If you want to expand your influence and reach a global community, you have to master online marketing. But...

Most teachers will teach you VISIBILITY TACTICS AND STRATEGIES with no understanding of the INNER work that needs to be done first. 

You'll WASTE an enormous amount of money and time IF YOU START with visibility tactics BEFORE you've done the inner work. 

You'll find yourself STALLED but unsure why. (Some people find themselves encountering UNNECESSARY DRAMA from team members for example or problems with rolling out a joint venture.) 

You might PROCRASTINATE or spend too much time on social media and then wonder why you're NOT SEEING PROGRESS in your business. 

The thing is; YOUR WORK IS TOO IMPORTANT to get stalled in this way. 

THE WORLD NEEDS YOU. The people you're here to serve, need you.

Fiona Pitt, The Intuitive PT, Australia

Women Speaking Up is like no other course I've ever done. The sense of community and ongoing support is invaluable. Thank you Samantha for holding such a safe container for us all to gain confidence and strength raising our voices.

Kim Banks, The Savvy Micro, Canada

I really enjoy the seasonal structure of the program and the opportunity to return to segments when digesting everything. It makes the learning sustainable. 

My biggest 'aha' has been noticing when I'm putting my energy into what isn't working and knowing that I can shift that into what do I want to create or change... and then showing up to do that work instead. That was big for me. 

I also really enjoyed the connection with other women, learning how the conditioning/programming has contributed to some of our visibility blocks, and learning how to work with clearing those to make way for more. My voice has strengthened and I've stopped apologising for how I think/feel about things.

A final note...

As a woman or gender fluid person, you will have unconsciously internalised a whole lot of stories about your voice, about your entitlement to take up space, about how you ought to behave in the world to be deemed ‘acceptable’.

Plus there’ll be all the other intersecting pieces of your identity – your class, race, culture, physical and mental abilities, and sexuality – that inform how easy or difficult it is to put yourself out there time and time again, as is required if you want people to know about you.

And if your work is unique or unusual in some way, you’ll face additional visibility challenges. 

Unfortunately we don’t all live in societies that encourage difference and diversity. Most of us live in societies that impose conformity. Societies that say, ‘Stand out, but only a little bit. Don’t challenge us too much. Don’t disrupt the status quo.’

To overcome this conditioning it’s important that you surround yourself with people who are consciously unpacking all the limiting influences that would otherwise keep them quiet and invisible. 

Breaking barriers

We’re the first generation of women to step out in large numbers and run our own businesses. We’re the first generation of people to build businesses online.

We’re the first generation of women who are building a global network and woman centred economies, where women are connecting with - and selling to - one other.

Integrating spirituality or personal development into business operations has never been contemplated before.

Working flexible hours.

Working from cafes or by the beach or the lake.

ALL of this is different.

None of this is business as usual. It’s revolutionary and it’s changing the very face of society.

It’s time for women to be visible. To use our voices. To influence positive change in the world. 

Will you join us? 

 Our final cohort of Women Speaking Up students starts on 5 August 2024. Enrol today.

Sustainably visible

$999 USD

For women who are ready to make visibility a priority. The stream includes 6 MONTHS of access to:

  • An intimate group coaching experience with lots of opportunities for personalised attention
  • Weekly live events: block clearing, strategy implementation, and habit-building workshops every 2 weeks, and Q&A office hours support in between
  • A robust collection of digital programs and resources
  • Student-only podcast show and private online community

Visibility fast track

$2999 USD

The VIP stream is a 6 MONTHLY experience for women who want to hit the ground running. It includes:

Everything in the 6 month membership plus:

  • a week of Voxer support when you enrol to orient yourself into the program
  • 6 x monthly 1:1 sessions with Women Speaking Up founder Samantha Nolan-Smith which you can use to further personalise your experience; clearing out visibility blocks, creating and/or implementing your visibility strategy, or building core visibility habits

Prefer a payment plan?

You can access the Sustainably visible payment plan (at $185 per month for 6 months).


You can also access a Visibility fast track payment plan (at $550 per month for 6 months). 


Women Speaking Up closes its doors (forever) in...









Wondering whether Women Speaking Up is for you?

Here's some more information to help you make the decision that's right for you.

And here are some of our FAQs

Ruth Bracke, Leadership Coach at Wise Women, Belgium 

The curriculum is very hands on, practical, pragmatic and I love that.

The live calls help me with integrating and putting into practice everything I’m learning in the digital courses. I’m so happy I joined the program.

Samaria, Sacred Soul Practice Psychotherapy and Coaching, USA 

When I felt more stuck than ever on my visibility journey no matter what I tried, I discovered this program and it changed so much for me. 

Samantha is an amazing heart centred coach. She has created such a beautiful safe container for you to move through blocks around visibility and speaking up. 

This is a gift you can give yourself that will change everything for the better.

Kara, Arizona, Career Coach, USA

In just a couple of months I’m finally getting past the hump of trying to figure out “what am I doing for who?”

I’m taking a lot more action, posting on social media, have had more opportunities to be on podcasts and radio shows, and have been seeing more traffic to my business!

Suzanne Frankenfeld, Spiritual Teacher, Speaker, Author, Germany 

I feel so empowered after our time together.

The wise teachings of Samantha, her guidance, her methods, and the support of the group have been so unbelievably supportive to me.

Imagine running a business that's at JUST THE RIGHT SIZE for you to earn the kind of money you want and live the kind of lifestyle you dream of.

Imagine putting out offers and knowing that you have enough of the RIGHT KIND OF PEOPLE excited to hear about your products and services.

Imagine having enough MOMENTUM that people approach you with AMAZING BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES rather than having to keep tracking them down yourself.

That's what visibility can do for a business owner.

That's how Women Speaking Up can help you.