Wondering what people have to say about working with us?
'I'm amazed at how Samantha picks up on the deeper blocks we're facing and helps us to work them out of our system. I always feel so energised after the workshop. I feel like I'm going through a real growth period where all the festering issues from my past are surfacing and I'm able to get them out of my life. This is game changing for me. I'm taking action to reach new audiences and feel more confident in asserting my opinions in my personal life, like my voice matters more.'
- Christey, Founder of NGO Just People's, Japan
'I've experienced a significant personal transformation in terms of my habits and thinking. I am so much more productive, but actually trying to 'do' less. I would absolutely recommend this program to others. I have done a lot of other 'self-help' programs but have not achieved the same results as I have with this program.'
- Kristy, Digital wellbeing & productivity researcher, Australia
'The programme is truly life-changing. I’ve changed so much. The difference is really marked in terms of my own professionalism, attitude, exposure and willingness to speak up. It’s amazing to feel so different in such a relatively short time. Best of all, every time I do the inner work to pave the way for my business’s smooth operation, I experience benefits in all other aspects of my life!'
- Gulara, Relationship Coach, United Kingdom
'Initially I was worried about the cost and whether it would be right for me – whether it would be too much. But the value you get from the course is fantastic. I’ve learned to move through and out of comfort zones, I’ve increased my ability to get things done, keep track and take action with confidence. I’ve loved the community feel and all of the women supporting one another.'
- Charlotte, Birth Trauma Therapist, United Kingdom
'With this work, I find I'm actually staying consistent with being visible now. The consistency helps me feel good, which then inspires me to take more action. Also looking at things from a female perspective has helped me see things differently. I can now see where I stop myself from moving more into a leadership role and claiming what I know. Now that I see it, I'm able to take steps and have been positioning myself as a leader.'
- Tracy, Somatic Therapist, Canada
'The bloc clearing classes are great for deep dives - there's so much to clear and I'm excited to get to work on it! I have started to express myself and show myself more in an online circle of women I trust. I"m stacking positive experiences of showing myself and have a real sense of empowerment. Also, integrating the visibility tools and practices in my daily life has been huge in managing my intense emotion, energy and triggers, and bringing more ease and wholeness in my heart.'
- Eleni, Greece
Thank you Sam for your excellent visibility work. The inner story/energy does hang with us like old clothes and doing the inner work is for me the key to everything in life, always will be! I've uncovered powerful insights and sabotaging memories and I loved the practical exercises. I highly recommend this work!'
- Gina, Yoga Teacher, United Kingdom
'This program really exceeded my expectations. There was more material than I expected and it went way deeper. I discovered and cleared some very old beliefs that were keeping my nervous system on high alert. As a result, I feel calmer, less rushed, and less inclined to race after multiple things at once. Even when my daily routine slips, it's easier to re-establish.'
- Belinda, Courage Coach, Australia

'Initially I was worried about the financial commitment and was scared to see what might come out of the sessions. Now I would ABSOLUTELY recommend working with Samantha. I'm thrilled with how the sessions have improved my outlook on life. I've stopped over-thinking and over-analysing situations and learned to stop negative thought patterns in their tracks. I've gained a true understanding of myself and harnessed a feeling of freedom I never thought I had.'
- Loretta, Physiotherapist, Australia
'This work has really made me think about how I hold myself back from being visible online for my coaching business. With a 1 to 2% conversion rate, my work needs to be seen by a lot more people.
I must have cleared a few layers of stuff this week - I just surprised myself by posting about my business on my business and personal FB page! I was shocked at myself!! I don't feel triggered by it either. I've definitely cleared some visibility blocks. Thank you Samantha for such valuable content.'
– Mary, Scapegoat Child Recovery Coach, United Kingdom
'I’ve loved this program and have been recommending it to others because I feel that being seen and held during the 1:1s and in a group is what’s needed to move forward in business life. A place and community that feels safe when you’re feeling shaky and uncomfortable with the unknown, uncharted territories is great.'
- Linda, Yoga Teacher, Australia
'Initially, I was worried about spending money on something that wouldn't work as I'm new to therapies like this. But that first session totally blew my mind. It opened me up to a new understanding of how we store emotional pain in the body. I feel so much lighter, at peace and empowered to change my life for the better.'
- Suzi, Interior Stylist, USA
'I feel more confident about being more myself online, I have become more interactive in group comments, sharing more of myself and feeling more comfortable sharing about my work and business depending on what is appropriate for the environment.
Actually, that even translates to face-to-face too.
I got so much out of WSU. The live workshops and clearing have been really good for me. I can rock-up and do the work right then and there in that moment when others are also attending live.
I also love everything that I have learned from and seen role-modelled by you.
I can really see the path forward now and am feeling really positive, inspired and ready to go.'
- Lou, EFT practitioner, Australia
'Working on visibility issues has opened the floodgates for me, helping me to see so many blocks while giving me tools to work with them and shift them, all in a supportive space.
I have faced some very deep-seated fears. I have been able to shine a light on some dark spaces in my soul and psyche. I feel lighter and stronger as a result. I am more effective in the world, and better able to support myself and others by extension. I am less a prisoner of old events and stuff, and so much freer.
I have more money in my bank account. I feel happier and more optimistic because I know I have tools that I can take into even the most challenging situations (especially the most challenging situations!)'
Using them is creating change and shifts where I previously thought I was powerless.'
- Zoe, Founder of B'Opera, United Kingdom
Wondering how you can work with us too?
We have a range of offerings to suit the different stages of your visibility journey.