I'll let you in on a secret...

Everyone has a way of shining that comes most naturally to them. Unfortunately, most marketing advice doesn't take account of this.

That's because most marketing advice sounds something like; 'THIS IS WHAT WORKED FOR ME, SO IT SHOULD WORK FOR YOU'. 

Which means the advice is only going be helpful...

IF your natural way of showing up and speaking up is similar to the person giving the advice. 

IF NOT, you've got a problem. 

Any of this sound familiar?

01. Not personalised to you

There are so many people telling you their way is the best way to grow your business.

What you actually need is someone who can help you find a way to grow your business that suits your natural way of being visible. 

02. Wasting time

With so much information to hand, you waste too much time trying things that in hindsight were never going to work for you. 

What you need is someone to help you identify UP FRONT what is a good approach and what needs to be discarded immediately. 

03. Visibility mismatch

Trying other people's visibility tactics without taking account of what comes naturally to you, leaves you feeling awkward and cringey. 

What you need is a clear sense of how to lean into your visibility strengths and do more of the things that work best for you. 



Your Visibility Personality

The course that guides you through discovering and owning your unique path to showing up confidently and authentically in your business.


You’re a small business owner. You’ve heard it all before; 'Just be more visible.'

But here’s the truth: there’s no one-size-fits-all when it comes to putting yourself out there.

Visibility strategies that work for others might not feel right for you - and there’s a good reason for that.

What if you could tap into a visibility approach that feels natural, aligns with your personality, and plays to your strengths?

What you'll learn

By the end of Your Visibility Personality, you’ll walk away with:

  • Deep self-awareness: You’ll understand why certain visibility strategies have felt off for you, why they haven't worked, and will never be the best option for you.

  • A personalised approach: You’ll have identified a visibility approach that suits your natural way of showing up and speaking up.

  • Learn block clearing techniques: Minimise your fears and feel more at ease using strategies that come naturally to you, helping you to show up confidently.

  • Identify how you're hiding out: Gain clarity on the specific ways you're holding back from being visible.

  • Gain confidence in your natural way forward: You’ll see that the way you naturally express yourself is more than enough—it’s powerful.

  • A sense of relief and ease: Anxiety around showing up lessens significantly as you lean into your authentic strengths.

How It's Different

Most visibility courses are filled with generic advice that don't take account of the personality of the business owner. But in Your Visibility Personality, we do things differently.

This course uses the Enneagram — an ancient personality framework that helps you understand your deepest motivations for behaving the way you do.

We won’t just teach you about the Enneagram, though. We’ll take you through powerful clearing exercises to unblock each Enneagram point, and help you understand how each type naturally hides and shines.

This isn’t about trying to fit yourself into someone else’s blueprint. It’s about uncovering your blueprint.


Why Now?

The business world is more crowded than ever, and visibility is key to standing out. But instead of wasting time on tactics that leave you feeling drained or inauthentic, imagine stepping into a strategy that feels effortless—because it’s yours.

This course gives you permission to stop second-guessing yourself and start owning your space in a way that feels right for you.

How It Works

01. Step One: Learn the Enneagram

We’ll break down each Enneagram point in a simple, accessible way so you can better understand yourself and your approach to visibility. 

02. Step Two: Clear the Blocks

You’ll work through block clearing exercises for each point, identifying and removing hidden barriers that have been holding you back.

03. Step Three: See Your Patterns

You’ll discover the specific ways your Enneagram type influences how you hide and shine and how to lean into your strengths. 

04. Step Four: Bring It All Together

We’ll set you up to keep expressing your most healthy form of your visibility personality so you can shine with confidence and ease.

Unlock your most authentic form of visibility using the power of the Enneagram.

Do it yourself

$149 USD

Purchase today, access immediately

You'll receive 4 modules (delivered via a membership site with videos, audio files and worksheets), covering: 

  • An Enneagram masterclass and supporting lessons on your most natural communication style
  • Block clearing on each Enneagram point
  • Detailed lessons on how you naturally hide and shine (with more block clearing!)
  • A full picture of your visibility personality with tips and tools for moving toward your most healthy forms of expression
  • Plus the New Expression Challenge - a week-long visibility challenge to help you explore new ways of expressing yourself.  

Pay in full using the button below or click this link to pay via instalments ($85 USD per month for 2 months).

Enrol here (pay in full)

Done with you

$1999 USD

Prefer working 1:1? We've got you covered

You'll receive:

  • Lifetime access to Your Visibility Personality with the 4 core modules and the New Expression Visibility Challenge
  • 4 x 75 minute, 1:1 video sessions with Samantha convened every 2 weeks as you work your way through the program.
  • Each session focuses on one of the four course modules with the final session bringing everything together and planning out your personal development program for the coming months. You'll also reflect on what implications there may be for your business strategy, once you're able to take your Enneagram type and natural way of being visible into account.

Pay in full using the button below or click this link to pay via instalments ($999.50 USD per month for 2 months).

Enrol here (pay in full)

"I love learning about the Enneagram! It has helped me so much to understand why some marketing approaches are never going to work for me. I feel like I've gained back so much time that I would have wasted!"


"I feel so much more confident now. I've always known that some people's way of approaching things didn't feel right, but I tried them anyway because they seemed to be working for other people. Now I have the confidence to do things my own way. Thank you." 


Here at the School of Visibility, we believe that the most effective way to be visible is the way that comes most naturally to you. 

Here's everything you get in Your Visibility Personality

Module 1

Introduction: The Enneagram

Discover what the Enneagram has to teach you about your natural strengths and unique approach to being visible. This module is foundational to your new understanding of visibility; one that's informed by a transformational personal development tool. 


Module 2

Block Clearing: Overcoming Your Fears

Work through each Enneagram point to identify and clear the fears, wounds, and internal blocks that have been holding you back. This module is your path to unlocking fearless, healthy self-expression.


 Module 3

Visibility Mastery: How You Hide and Shine

Dive deep into the ways your Enneagram type tends to hide or step into the spotlight. With this step-by-step guide, you'll understand how to leverage your innate strengths to shine brightly.


 Module 4

Integration: Bringing It All Together

Finally, you’ll bring it all together, setting you up for a more free and liberated expression of your Enneagram point. You'll also have tools to keep clearing out anything you find going forward.  



The New Expression Visibility Challenge

When you purchase Your Visibility Personality you'll also gain the New Expression Challenge. It's a week-long visibility challenge to support you to experiment with new ways of expressing yourself. 

Often we can start down one way of communicating and stick with it, not because it's particularly inspiring or really moving the need in our business, but because it's safe. 

The challenge will get out of your comfort zone and communicating with your audience in a way you may not tried have before. 


Ready to Get Started?

If you’re tired of forcing yourself to use visibility tactics that don’t feel authentic, Your Visibility Personality is your next step.

You’ll come out of this experience knowing yourself better and with clear, customised approach to showing up in a way that plays to your natural strengths.


Who's behind Your Visibility Personality? 
Hi! I’m Samantha, your new visibility coach!

I'm an enneagram 7, introverted mum of 2 who's an HSP (highly sensitive person - it's a sensory processing thing) and empath. I've lived with PTSD for many decades and after four years incapacitated with chronic fatigue, I started working online in 2008. 

I founded the School of Visibility in 2016 after discovering that sooo many of my clients were excited about creating a business but terrified about anyone finding out about it.

I decided women needed a space to be encouraged to speak up, promote their work, and be more impactful in the world. 

I started my professional life as a lawyer and public policy advisor. My final role in government was as the strategic policy director of a whole of government project designed to improve the well-being of Aboriginal people's lives over a 20-year period.

I've also been a finalist in the Telstra Business Awards, and interviewed by the ABC, Sky News, The Age, Australian Yoga Journal, and Sunday Life. 

Your Visibility Personality is designed for:

▶︎ Women entrepreneurs who want to build a visible brand aligned with their personality.

▶︎ Creatives and business leaders seeking an authentic way to show up and be heard.

▶︎ Anyone looking to align their inner world with how they present themselves to the world.

▶︎ People who feel like they’ve been forcing themselves to use visibility strategies that don’t feel authentic or natural

Your Visibility Personality is not for you if:

▶︎ You prefer working in groups and like having a community around you to keep you engaged and accountable 

▶︎ You already have a visibility system in place that you're happy with and which is yielding pleasing results

▶︎ You don't like doing personal development work or learning about how human behaviour works

At the end of the program you can expect to experience:

Aligned Visibility: Understanding your Enneagram type will help you develop a visibility approach that feels natural and authentic, allowing you to show up consistently without burnout or overwhelm.

Greater comfort in taking up space: By clearing out the extremes of your Enneagram type—like fear, perfectionism, or people-pleasing—you become more comfortable taking up space, speaking up, and sharing your expertise.

Stronger Brand Presence: Leveraging your Enneagram strengths helps you connect with your community in a genuine way, making your brand more relatable, trustworthy, and impactful.

Improved Decision-Making: Knowing your Enneagram point's tendencies helps you make clearer, more aligned decisions in your business, from marketing strategies to interactions with your students and clients.

Sustainable Growth: By clearing blocks and working with your natural way of being visible, you create sustainable momentum for growth in your business, rather than chasing external tactics that are never going to work for you.

Empowered Confidence: By embracing your Enneagram type and clearing its extremes, you build deep, inner confidence in your ability to show up and lead, empowering you to pursue new opportunities with greater ease.


Frequently Asked Questions

Still have questions?

Email us at [email protected]

Unlock your most authentic form of visibility using the power of the Enneagram.

Do it yourself

$149 USD

Purchase today, access immediately

You'll receive 4 modules (delivered via a membership site with videos, audio files and worksheets), covering: 

  • An Enneagram masterclass and supporting lessons on your most natural communication style
  • Block clearing on each Enneagram point
  • Detailed lessons on how you naturally hide and shine (with more block clearing!)
  • A full picture of your visibility personality with tips and tools for moving toward your most healthy forms of expression
  • Plus the New Expression Challenge - a week-long visibility challenge to help you explore new ways of expressing yourself.  

Pay in full using the button below or click this link to pay via instalments ($85 USD per month for 2 months).

Enrol here (pay in full)

Done with you

$1999 USD

Prefer working 1:1? We've got you covered

You'll receive:

  • Lifetime access to Your Visibility Personality with the 4 core modules and the New Expression Visibility Challenge
  • 4 x 75 minute, 1:1 video sessions with Samantha convened every 2 weeks as you work your way through the program.
  • Each session focuses on one of the four course modules with the final session bringing everything together and planning out your personal development program for the coming months. You'll also reflect on what implications there may be for your business strategy, once you're able to take your Enneagram type and natural way of being visible into account.

Pay in full using the button below or click this link to pay via instalments ($999.50 USD per month for 2 months).

Enrol here (pay in full)

It's time own your unique visibility personality.

If you've tried a whole lot of marketing advice which doesn't account for your personality...

If you're ready to  understand your unique visibility strengths and leverage them...

Then Your Visibility Personality is for you.Â