When it comes to visibility, what you think matters just as much as what you do.

When you don't focus on the inner AND outer work you can end up feeling stuck.

NOT because you don't know what to do, but because you're just not doing what you've learned.

Or, you're doing it quietly and sporadically, hoping that will be enough for people to take notice.

It's easy to feel like:

  • nothing you do is BREAKING THROUGH THE NOISE, or
  • that you are applying different marketing tips and tricks but you JUST AREN'T SEEING THE RESULTS that others are.

That's because visibility in business IS ABOUT MORE than just the strategies you adopt.

There's a whole INNER WORLD YOU NEED TO MASTER in order to grow your business like a pro.

The Visibility Blueprint will help you IDENTIFY THOSE INNER BLOCKS, LIMITING BELIEFS AND SILENT SABOTEURS that are stopping you from reaching the people who are waiting to hear from you. 

The Visibility Blueprint

Mastering Inner Growth for Outer Success

It's a 7 part audio training for people who know they're hiding out, or blocked, in some way - and that it's limiting their business potential - but who aren't sure what to do about it. 

The Visibility Blueprint is a STEP BY STEP PLAN for expanding your reach WITH EASE.

WITHOUT hustling, or feeling like an imposter, or compromising your integrity.



Libby Blakemore, Life Coach

"I didn't really know what I needed when I enrolled with you, but I KNEW I WAS STUCK.

I've had so many internal shifts since becoming a student. I feel like a different person. I'M SO MUCH MORE CONFIDENT in my business and in life!"




  • The 7 part audio training is delivered via a private podcast feed with a new lesson dropping each day for 7 days 
  • The Visibility Blueprint Workbook includes journalling exercises to personalise the lessons to you and your business 
  • You'll also receive a bonus clearing exercise to release any feelings of self consciousness about the sound of your voice 


All the strategies and tactics you learn about how to grow your business are MEANINGLESS if you don't also attend to the inner work of getting comfortable with SHOWING UP, SPEAKING UP, ADVOCATING FOR YOUR BUSINESS, and championing your dreams.

It's critical that you focus not just on the outer work, but on BECOMING THE PERSON YOU NEED TO BE, in order to see the results you want to see. 

It's easy to think, 'I'll come back to this' and focus purely on the outer work, only to find that in 6 or 12 months' time NOTHING HAS CHANGED.

That's because the outer work we do to become more visible is ALWAYS a reflection of our inner world. 

Think about how difficult it is to create awareness around your business when you're carrying any of these beliefs (whether consciously or not): 

  • I have to work harder than everyone else
  • Things don't come easily to me
  • I'm worried people will judge me
  • It's impossible to avoid the haters
  • My work is too obscure for people to really understand
  • No one listens to me
  • My opinion doesn't matter
  • I'm invisible
  • I can't say anything controversial 
  • My work is too controversial
  • I don't have any time
  • I have to hustle but I hate hustling.

The problem is, we don't always know that we're carrying these ideas until we dig into our inner world.

Over the years, I've uncovered beliefs I had no idea I was carrying around which were affecting the success of my business.

They were beliefs I'd heard, and didn't believe, but still held onto because some part of me thought 'Maybe that's true'. Or beliefs that weren't mine but which I'd inherited. Or they were beliefs I thought I'd let go of but which had a whole other layer to them I hadn't been aware of. 

It's useful to have someone who can:

  1. support you to uncover these beliefs 
  2. show you the correlation between those beliefs and the different aspects of your business. That is; someone who has already done the work in connecting the inner and the outer layers of visibility. 

That's what the Visibility Blueprint is.  


You'll walk away from this 7 day audio training knowing why you've been stuck and what to do about it.

You'll have a blueprint for business growth that you can use for life. You'll also:

  • feel MORE AT EASE about promoting your work
  • have a CLEAR PLAN OF ACTION about the steps to take to connect with more people and expand your reach, and
  • have the CONFIDENCE to use your voice and share your work in a way that feels natural to you.

Plus you will have taken a significant step toward becoming MORE CONSISTENT with your visibility efforts. 

Think about how much easier life will be if you spend some time uncovering any inner saboteurs BEFORE you try taking action to reach more people.  

When you buy The Visibility Blueprint, you'll also receive:


Ever found yourself feeling self conscious about your voice?

We've added a bonus clearing exercise so you can release any wounding, self judgment, or fear around how you sound or about people understanding you. 

Because we want you to be visible, and more importantly, we want you to feel authentically confident when you are. 


Hi, I'm Samantha, founder and CEO of the School of Visibility. I combine my background in social justice and personal development, to create resources for women and gender fluid people who want to speak up, be seen, and be more impactful in the world. 


What people say about doing visibility work with us

Helena Mooney, Aware Parenting Instructor

"I did you visibility class last night and LOVED it. I work up very early this morning with a really clear head and lots of energy - first time in ages! I'm excited about working on my business again and being seen. Thank you!" 

Jo Bolden, Choreographer

"Stuff has just been falling away since doing visibility work with you. I'm feeling so much lighter and having so many aha moments. I've even noticed myself taking action that my inner perfectionist wouldn't have let me take in the past."


It is if: 

  • you've ever felt like you've learned all the lessons about business growth but still AREN'T MAKING THE PROGRESS you'd like to be,
  • you're PIVOTING OR REFINING YOUR MESSAGE OR FOCUS and struggling with self-doubt and/or IMPOSTER SYNDROME, or
  • you're READY TO UP-LEVEL, and


The Blueprint will SAVE YOU TIME, MONEY, ANXIETY, FRUSTRATION, and unnecessary duplication of effort. 




  • The 7 part audio training is delivered via a private podcast feed with a new lesson dropping each day for 7 days 
  • The Visibility Blueprint Workbook includes journalling exercises to personalise the lessons to you and your business 
  • You'll also receive a bonus clearing exercise to release any feelings of self consciousness about the sound of your voice

If you're looking for a way to be more visible and it's just not coming together the way you'd like, The Visibility Blueprint is for you.