Free yourself from the patriarchal voices that stop you from being seen and heard, on your own terms

The internalised patriarchal voice sees us modifying our language and sounding much more hesitant than we actually are. We use phrases like; 'I'm sorry' 'Does that make sense?' 'I'm just...' 'I was thinking, maybe...'
It has us apologising for taking up space; 'Please ignore my long message' 'I'm sorry for taking so long'
It makes us fear being labelled as 'too much'; too loud, too bossy, too emotional, too sexual, too opinionated
We've all inherited a patriarchal voice and mindset that's designed to minimise women's experiences and stories.
Why this matters...
Because the patriarchal systems in which we all live create visibility blocks for women (patriarchy being designed to keep women suppressing their desires, accommodating others at the expense of themselves, and swallowing their words).
Visibility blocks are connected to fears about...
- speaking up,
- being criticised for not knowing enough or for making a mistake,
- being misunderstood,
- not being educated enough,
- being judged for being too successful, or
- being too different, and/or too much.
Visibility blocks stop you from:
- sharing your thoughts,
- building your business or not for profit,
- speaking up in your home or to your colleagues,
- writing your book,
- making money as an artist,
- saying no (thereby finding yourself exhausted and overwhelmed), or
- advocating for your favourite cause.
Welcome to Smash the Patriarchal Mindset
A short course for women who want to use their voices and share their ideas.
It's for women who are tired of the conditioning that keeps them playing smaller than they'd like.
To break down the patriarchal mindset and live truly free in this world...
To say what you're here to say and show up in the way that feels most natural to you... have to work
from the inside, out.
Because dismantling the patriarchy is as much of an inside job as it is an external one.

"This has really made me think about how I hold myself back in my coaching business. I must have cleared a few layers of stuff this week.
I just surprised myself by posting about what I do on my fb biz page and also on my personal fb page! WOW! I'm shocked at myself. I've definitely cleared some visibility blocks."
- Mary, London, UK

"I consider myself a fairly strong feminist, always have ever since I was a little girl.
But Samantha's work around undoing the patriarchal mindset has been particularly mind blowing to me."
- Wendy, USA
Smash the Patriarchal Mindset is a short course you can take over 4 days.
You'll work through three key areas in which the patriarchal mindset is affecting your willingness and capacity to speak up and be seen and heard in the world.
And you'll explore how that's affecting the operation of your business.
The three key areas are:
- The way you engage with other people (including how comfortable you are with setting boundaries, whether you suppress your own desires or consider other people's needs before your own, and/or unconsciously wait for permission before presuming to behave as a leader in your industry).
- The way you relate to money (including how comfortable you are receiving it, charging for your services, and/or raising your prices).
- The way you take up space (including the type of branding you choose for your business, how confident you are in expressing your opinions online, in meetings, or on a stage, and/or how comfortable you are with having people see you promoting your work regularly in multiple spaces).
The course ends on day 4 with a deep healing and block clearing exercise to help liberate you from a system designed to keep you playing small and insignificant.
After working through Smash the Patriarchal Mindset, you'll:
- feel more confident to step forward and be seen in your industry and to the people you're trying to reach
- uncover the roots of imposter syndrome and learn tools to overcome it
- have started the process of accessing and clearing out the underlying causes of any anxiety you feel about speaking up and being heard
- stop feeling like you should be all things to all people
- gain the confidence to authentically promote your work and value
- embrace your unique strengths and set boundaries that support you
- feel more at ease taking up space in public, in meetings and in conversations
- be more comfortable with setting healthy boundaries in your business and life.

"There's a lovely synergy between your voice recordings, your written examples and the use of the workbook and visibility clearing practices. They all combined together to help safely draw attention to my inner knowledge.
You've created a lovely safe space with really positive encouraging feedback. Much gratitude for the experience."
- Trudy, Australia
Bonus exercises!

When you enrol in 'Smash the Patriarchal Mindset', in addition to the 4 days of tuition and inner clearing work, you'll also receive a bonus visibility exercise:
Releasing the People Pleaser
This guided visualisation will help you identify and release the fears and stories that drive people-pleasing behaviour.
Once they're released you'll be able to connect more easily with your own needs and desires, and express them without shame, guilt, or embarrassment.
And you'll be able to model that for the community of women you're building (which, in turn, gives them permission to live free in their own lives).
You'll also receive a bonus visibility lesson:
Clearing Intergenerational Trauma
Intergenerational trauma is trauma which has echoed down the generations via epigenetics (the feedback loop between our genes and our environment).
In this bonus lesson, you'll dive in to the impact a patriarchal environment can have on our genes and how to clear out the limiting effects of that.
Specifically, you'll be considering the impact it has on your voice and on your willingness to be visible in the world.
It's one thing to know about intergenerational trauma. It's quite another thing to know how to clear change the trajectory of the lineage you've inherited. That's what you'll learn in this bonus lesson.

Smash the Patriarchal Mindset is delivered via a membership site with audio recordings, worksheets, and clearing exercises to help you dig out patriarchal beliefs and stories that are holding you back.

You deserve to be seen and heard
It's time to be more visible.
To share your opinions with confidence.
To release internal blocks so you can build your business, write your story, pursue your dream speaking gig, or advocate for your favourite cause.

"I loved the suggestions around how visibility blocks may be showing up in business and the opportunity to reflect on this for myself. I now realise that these patterns that feel stuck and limiting are not of my volition. They're conditioned and I refuse to let them just happen to me anymore. Thank you!"
- Nadia, Sydney, Australia
What's the benefit of freeing yourself from the patriarchal mindset?
When you can release the stories that have been repeated to women and girls for thousands of years that you're not worthy, or not enough, that your voice is shrill and you don't belong, that your opinion is irrelevant, that you can't be trusted with money and that power is not for you, then you'll be able to eliminate imposter syndrome forever.
You'll engage differently with your colleagues or with the women in the community you're building, creating an environment of collaboration rather than competition.
You'll set clearer boundaries in your home life and find ways to be better supported so the mental load isn't yours and yours alone to carry.
You'll no longer become 'too busy' when invited to use your voice and contribute to creating change in the world.
You'll never again experience that feeling of dread you get when someone encourages you to do more live stream videos or pitch yourself to your favourite influencer.
You'll stop feeling uncomfortable about promoting your work and asking for the sale.
Most importantly, you'll have stepped toward expressing your voice in a way that's uniquely yours and which embodies a power that isn't bullying or hierarchical, but which is strong and compassionate, self-respecting and inclusive.

Wondering who's behind Smash the Patriarchal Mindset?
That would be me - Samantha Nolan-Smith. I'm the CEO and founder of The School of Visibility (an online school that supports women to be seen and heard in the world).
I work with women to overcome their visibility blocks so they feel comfortable speaking up, sharing their wisdom, and creating positive change in the world.
I believe you were born to be heard. I believe your voice matters.
I believe you have something valuable to say and that the world will be a better place when women become visible on their own terms.
Frequently Asked Questions
When does Smash the Patriarchal Mindset start and finish?
Who is this short course for?
What exactly is a patriarchal mindset?
Why should I care about the patriarchal mindset?
What can I gain from working on the patriarchal mindset?
How much does the course cost?
What can I expect from the course?
How much time do I need to participate?
Do I gain any access to Samantha?
I'm a trans woman, I'm non-binary or gender fluid. Is this program for me?

"Sam and her team live their beliefs and commitment to providing the best service with personal awareness, humour, fluidity and focus to create a new paradigm, empowering women to deliver our inspirations to the world.
I think Sam is a miracle worker, pioneer in her field and it's a blessing to have access to her support and intelligent inquiry."
- Diana, New Zealand