
'A Life Made Visible' is for you

'A Life Made Visible' is a project that explores the benefits of living a life more visible.

When I speak about visibility, I’m speaking about feeling seen and heard and learning to see and listen well

By committing to a life made visible, we:

  • become more comfortable in ourselves, dropping any former self-consciousness or self-doubt,

  • learn to speak up with discernment and use our influence purposefully,

  • uncover a path to peace (internal and global) and social justice, and

  • learn to lead differently with more inclusivity and compassion.

Each week you can expect visibility stories and insights for living a more visible life.

'A Life Made Visible' is for change-makers, people who want to be purposefully and sustainably visible, and people who want to break through the silencing impact of societal conditioning. It's for founders, creatives, and small business owners. 

To receive 'A Life Made Visible' directly to your inbox, join us below. 

Your decision to speak up matters


It’s very easy to tell yourself you’ll do it later, you’re not ready to be visible, or you don’t have the time. But if you want to create positive change – in your business, life, or in the world – eventually you'll find yourself wrestling with the topic of speaking up and being seen and heard.

Here at the School of Visibility®, we don't force you into influencer culture (bleurgh), or into speaking up before you're ready or in a way that feels inauthentic.

Instead, you'll learn about the silencing influences that are stopping you from using your voice and claiming space. Even better, you'll learn how to free yourself from their smothering grasp so you can gently find your way to expressing exactly what it is you're here to share with the world.Â